Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One step forward, two steps back

Yesterday was a frustrating day…it turned out that the company that I booked our tickets to MS through (a missionary travel agent) had been trying to email us and all of the emails bounced back, so they cancelled our order. I emailed them immediately, but by the time I was trying to re-book the flights, the prices had increased significantly. So, I spent all afternoon trying to find new flights that work with our small windows for arrival and departure time. Needless to say, it did not go well! Every time I found a set of flights that would work and that we could afford, by the time I got through the booking info, the flight was full! So frustrating! By 9:00, I was done and let Eric take over. He was finally able to get all the way through the booking and reserve the flights and when I went through everything and double-checked, I realized that in his haste he had left the “a” off the end of my name! So, he got to stay up for a few more hours making phone calls to the booking agent and the airlines, ensuring that my name is spelled correctly (you know—it has to look exactly like your passport or they won’t let you through security!). What a hassle!

Lucky for him, he had things to do while he waited for the airlines to process the information…we got our first official email from the YISS HR department. Apparently, they wait to contact us until our NICS paperwork is done, but they waited a little too long…they needed us to scan and email all of our documents to them before we mailed all of the originals to NICS…but, of course, we put all of our originals in the mail over a week ago! We had, of course, scanned most of the documents anyway before we put them in the mail in case anything were to happen. So, at the end of a long day, he got to email all of those documents to Seoul!

Needless to say, I did not get anything on my list done yesterday!

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