Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympia Waterfront

I have been trying to keep up with this. I even edited and uploaded a bunch of pictures the other day, but the reality is that we are so busy right now, that I really can't get to it as much as I'd like. I'm doing my best, though!

Tonight Kennedy and I experienced one of our crazier trips to Costco (no, there was no throwing up and I did not lose an iPod, iPhone, or anything else), but it was still a very long, very hot trip.

Speaking of hot, it has been really hot and while it is humid, it hasn't rained much. It's supposed to drop into the 80s this week, and I'm looking forward to that!

Tomorrow is our first full "work attire" day. We have new student orientations all day, including Kennedy's which is tomorrow afternoon, so we're all excited for that!


The first Sunday that we were house sitting we drove down to Olympia to see some of Eric's family.

We attended a short anniversary party, and then we went with his mom down to the waterfront to explore.

We tried to get a few family photos...yes, I get in front of the camera every once in awhile, though I'm not always happy about it...

and the kids were not really up to cooperating!

The view of the harbor, the capitol, and the boats was nice, though.

Cade really didn't understand why we couldn't go on any of them. Poor guy.

Eric had some "when I am going to get a boat?" moments, too.

We also found a park where we could play for a little while

before the clouds rolled in, the wind picked up, and it was back to Western WA weather again!

It was a good day, though, and now I'm headed to bed because I am exhausted!

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