Friday, April 8, 2016

366 Project: Week Fourteen

I realized today that I still have photos from Cade's birthday and party to edit and post, in addition to Guam pictures, and with Eric's aunt and cousin coming in about month, I'd better get to work on those before I have a new set of photos to work on! I also shot a baby dedication on Easter that I just finally managed to get done, and I have a newborn and family shoot coming up in about a week to keep me busy! It is a fun season for photography, though, with flowers in bloom again!

92/366: On Friday afternoon, I brought the babies to school to pass off, so I could leave on the first annual YISS women's retreat. After a long subway trek, we arrived at the retreat center and found the first cherry blossoms of the season.

93/366: "It's about an hour." That's what they kept repeating to us before we took off on our hike on Saturday afternoon. I was told that I probably wouldn't need water because it wasn't going to be that long, and that I probably shouldn't bring my camera because there would be a little rock scrambling at the end. Well, a little turned into a whole lot, and while we definitely left from the right spot, we did not end up where we expected to! One hour turned into about four by the time we were done, and we spent a whole lot of time scrambling up the mountainside. I ended up spending most of the hike with these two ladies, and while each of us decided we'd made it far enough several times, we took turns encouraging one another to go a little further until we reached our final peak, dubbed "ACK" for Ali, Chelsea, and Kirstan.

94/366: Koreans have mastered the art of instant coffee. This is like an instant version of French press coffee; it's like a tea bag that you open to pour hot water over the grounds. Then, you just lift it out using the tabs on the side.

95/366: Another #onlyinKorea moment...I had to try the cherry blossom latte (because a friend said that it didn't taste like soap and she was right!) in a cherry blossom cup from Starbucks. Because I may never get that chance again!

96/366: The azaleas are also in bloom in our apartment complex. Sometimes, I feel like my best chance for a picture of the day is on the walk to the bus stop!

97/366: Since I have this head cold and wasn't feeling great, I decided to skip Zumba on Wednesday and instead take the kids to the soccer games. Our teams are doing really well this year, and it's so fun to watch! Between games, Reece headed straight out onto the field to participate in warm-ups; he doesn't always realize he's a little tiny human still!

98/366: The weather has been beautiful this week with highs in the low 70s and lows not much below 50, and with some decent air quality, we were able to spend time outside. On Thursday, I took the boys to Yongsan Family Park to see the cherry blossoms one last time in Korea. It was bittersweet, as I ended up chatting with a mom whose kids were just accepted off the wait list at YISS and I had the chance to tell her about how great our school is. It's a little hard to believe that this stranger's kids will be at YISS next year and our kids won't.

Unfortunately, right now I sit looking out over a nasty, smoggy Seoul. We had big plans today to pack a picnic and hike Namsan or bike to Yeouido to see the cherry blossoms today. I also really wanted to go to the seniors' final home soccer game, and we'd also talked about finally going to see a Seoul E-Land FC game, one of the professional soccer teams here (a few of the coaches have kids at our school), but now none of that is happening because the air is just too unhealthy to do any of those things. I suppose I should embrace an afternoon of quiet and relaxation that I hadn't planned on, but it's easy to be disappointed and frustrated, too. I can't wait to live in a place with clean air!!! 

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