Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Day in the Life

I have been thinking about doing one of these "day in the life" posts for more than a year now. The idea is that you simply take pictures all day long.

On Saturday, with Eric gone all day for baseball, I thought it would be a good day for it. It was quite a challenge for me--actually remembering to take pictures, dealing with different and locations, learning lots about my lens.

This post is really picture heavy, so I'll try to keep the words to a minimum!

We relaxed a bit in the morning, but we had some errands to run, so we got bundled up and headed out by about 9:30. I think it took us a half hour just to put on coats and gloves.

The parking lot was nearly empty, and we quickly discovered it was because not all of the stores were open yet. So, we stopped at Starbucks and then got the things we needed in the one store that was open before we headed to the next.

We were home by noon--it's rare that a trip anywhere here can take less than a few hours.

We had bacon and guacamole grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch--a new one for me, but it was good!

After lunch, we settled in to do some homework before Eric got home. He came home the winner of the Seoul Baseball League for the second year in a row.

He wasn't home for long before he was off again to the banquet for the SBL.

After he left again, we did some decorating (for Thanksgiving) and then decorated some cookies (for Christmas).

Cade has been asking to decorate cookies for a couple of weeks now. He's convinced the Christmas is just around the corner, and has been listening to Christmas music for a couple of weeks. Thankfully, I had a few cookies leftover in the freezer. I wouldn't share them with anyone, but with enough frosting, the kids can't taste the difference!

Afterwards, we worked on some origami crafts while we waited for Eric to get home, again.

Eric brought home Turkish food from one of our favorite recipes after the banquet. Last year, he was the Playoff MVP, but this year he came home with the League MVP award--quite the accomplishment!

Cade celebrated by enjoying a green Christmas tree for dessert.

Then it was time for pajamas and tooth brushing.

And then stories in bed with Dad.

As of today, the baseball season is officially over. His other team, the Ex-Pats, played in their championship game today. It was a tough loss, but more on that later because now I need to go to bed. I'm ready for a weekend, but I think Monday's going to come whether I'm ready for it or not! 

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