Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cade Turned 5 (about 3 months ago!)

Balance. Does everybody else in the world have this figured out? How long should it take to learn to balance everything in your life? And then, inevitably, something will change and you have to figure out a new balance.

I've been feeling like a huge failure in this area lately. There are just too many plates up in the air, some of them are bound to start crashing soon (okay, I guess one did the day we abandoned Cade at the bus stop).

This point in the year is always crazy in terms of grading and prep. Keeping up with all of the kids who are failing. Emailing and meeting with parents. Then, there's the school stuff that isn't classroom-related. Going away parties. Class parties. End-of-the-year teacher gifts. And then of course, the regular at-home stuff. Dinner. Laundry. Cleaning.

Needless to say, I'm not balancing it well right now. I'm lucky if I get the absolute bare minimum done in each part of my life. I've got classes prepped. I've shown up at the party. I've picked up the kids. Then, I'm left prioritizing all that is left to be done. Regardless of what I'm working on, I'm always feeling guilty that something is being ignored.

Which, I guess means I shouldn't be procrastinating by blogging! The good news is that in 10 days many of my plates will be safely tucked away in the cupboard. They'll have some chips. Some may be glued back together, but God always grants me the energy to get through it, even if it isn't exactly how I've pictured it.

There will be new plates out; they'll be clean and sparkly at the beginning of the summer but chipped by the end of it!

Since all of my plates came crashing down around me there for awhile, I missed documenting some events in our lives. While it would be easy to move on and just leave them out, I would hate for Cade to look back on this and think "hey, what about my birthday? sure, she wasn't feeling well, but I still turned 5, right?" Yes, Cade, you did. And yes, we celebrated with you!

We took you out for dinner. We bought you the chocolate cake that you picked out (even if it did have characters from "Larva" on it). And we promised that next year, you will get to have a big birthday party because you deserve it (and your sister deserves a year off!). 

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