Saturday, June 25, 2011

Living in a Techno World

We're living in such a time of modern technology! And, I have to say I'm a bit relieved that we won't have to learn to live without our technology in Seoul. We now have laptops, iPods, an iPad, and a Kindle. We can email, Skype, FaceTime. Our kids know how to operate the iPods and iPad. They can watch movies, play games, and color. Kennedy works on her letters and numbers and Cade learns about zoo animals. We're not packing any books for Eric and I because we just use eReaders. We're not packing a TV or DVD player because we'll just use the laptop to watch tv and movies. Seoul has one of the fastest Internet infrastructures in the world, so we should be set. And, according to the girl at the Apple store, there is Wi-Fi everywhere there (though she has never been there, she is an expert!), which is good news because we recently learned that we have to have our Alien Registration Card in order to get our Internet set up in our apartment, so it may be a couple of weeks before we have that. We are planning (at this point) to use Skype and FaceTime (for those Mac users), and of course the blog as our primary means of communication. We'll try to post updates on Facebook too for those of you who are FB addicts! Email will also play a big part as it will be hard to be available on Skype all the time. It is amazing that we will still be able to see our relatives and talk to them face to face even from around the world! We’re sure going to miss those hugs, though!

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